Monday, June 23, 2008

Showered with Love

This past week we were blessed by family, friends, and church members who showered Harper and Lily with gifts galore! Baby gear, layettes, MONGRAMMED blankies and bibs, boppies, gift cards, you name it! I am so thankful and have enjoyed getting out nursery decorated and organized so that it will be perfect when the babies come home!

It isn't usual that a woman isn't actually pregnant at her baby shower but hey this was no usual pregnancy!

To all of the FABULOUS hostesses at FUMC and Lochwood Drive THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! It means so much to me that you would care about my babies enough to plan such a generous occasion. Here are a few pictures from the two showers.


Jason said...

You look amazing in the pictures !!

Mary Tyler S. said...

I second Jason. You are absolutely beautiful! Hope you nested baby stuff in the nursery. How fun :)

Laurel said...

I third that look awesome!

So sad I missed the shower on Sunday, I was out of town -- but look at all the swag you and the girlies got!!! how fun!!

can't wait for you to post pics of the nursury! ;)