Monday, March 27, 2006

A New Blog Has Been Born!

I feel shy :)

I feel shy even though I am sitting in a room all by myself! Well, sort of. There is a gigantic flying beetle that got in here some how who is now incubating on the light bulb of my desk lamp...and he is buzzing.
I am so glad to be a part of this "blog culture." For quite some time I have been laughing along with Nick's "Musings" and making fun of him for his cheesy one-liner jokes. I mutter "dork" as I read them and then immediately feel terrible because I think I might have just hurt his feelings, even if he isn't around. The truth is, I love his one-liners and sometimes I'm jealous that I didn't come up with them on my own. I have also had the chance to read a few posts that he printed out for me early in our relationship. Before we were married, when he would tuck me in bed, before driving back to Millbrook, he would leave a copy of a couple of posts he read that day. My favorite so far has been "Home: part 1." Very beautiful writing and imagery. I could try to write like that right now but it would just be a bunch of words, run-on sentences, and way too many descriptive adjectives- oh and I usually use words that sound smart or different but they are usually misused or just made up- AND I DON'T PROOF-READ. Also, I am prone to go !/? crazy, which can be really annoying. I'll never forget when I was really young and thought is was cool to type in ALL CAPS while chatting in chat rooms on AOL and finally some guy asked me, "Why are you always yelling?" So all caps is a yell and LOL is laughing out loud...I love that.
Deep, deep, DEEP down I have an artist's instincts. I pick up on suggested opinions, tones/moods, and some humor in writing. On rainy days when I am stuck inside I have overwhelming urgencies to create something beautiful on a white canvas. On sunny days, I love to walk/run outside through fancy neighborhoods to admire (or critique) the architechure and landscaping. But even better than that is running at Shakespeare Festival where you can see God's art in nature. See, here I go...yucky, sappy, running on and on. It's too early for that. One more thing though; this is hilarious. When I was in highschool, my sister and I found an audio tape in my old "Home Alone Talk Boy" that I used to record "Dear Sally" letters about my day: like on the WB's television show "Felicity" or Nickelodeon's "Clarissa Explains It All." HA! We laughed SO hard because it was SO funny. It had to have been in fifth or sixth grade when I recorded my "Dear Sally" because one of the lines I said was, "So, my sister and I are so excited because we might get a dog...Mama and Dad said maybe so we are finger-tip point-oh, uh, um." LOL!!! What the H is "finger-tip point"!?! I obviously didn't know then either because there was a very clear hesitant "oh -um" and then "click" after I said it and I never made another "Dear Sally" again. When my sister and I (3 years apart) found it in highschool we laughed until we cried and still laugh about it sometimes now. My nickname for her is "Woodipper." I have no idea what that means; it is a name that I started calling her about 10 years ago and it just stuck - I really hope she will read this (L.Y.L.A.S-C.Y.A). Ha, anyway.
It has taken me about 2 hours to write this little snippet because I am writing and watching the Kenny Chesney "Back Where I Come From" live concert on CMT - :*) right now "The Good Stuff" It is good stuff and if you are hating...don't knock it till you've tried it. Ask My Love about "Old Blue Chair" - that song is a whole new blog in itself. It's very: "Home: part ...?"
Till next time, don't hurt the Love.


The Bean said...

I'm afraid I don't see the prettyness you are all talking about. In Nicholas I mean. ;) He looks a little squiggy to me. Oh well, I think I'll keep him anyways. Welcome Laura. I just started a blog like a week ago and never have anything really interesting to say. I love to comment on others more than anything. I have however figured out the whole picture thing so I think all my blogs will have a picture from now on. :) Missed getting to come see you this last week but hopefully soon!

Laura Mielke said...

So what do I do now? Write in this box and wait for people to talk to me again?

The Bean said...

beats me! I will say hi. I am headed to bed though as I just told your husband. We had our daylight savings this past weekend so it is morning now here and I am sleepy. :) Have a good rest of the day!