Working our way backwards and starting with...
-Sunday I helped host a baby shower at my house for MTS. We had an excellent turnout and to say that this was an easy and fun event is a huge understatement. Pictured below is mother to be and all of the hosts. Count'em! That's THREE babies you see and all are related! Little cousins: baby Campbell, baby Jake, and baby Houston hiding out in the back. Mommies MT, Racheal, and Kelly are all due within 8 weeks or so of each other!
-Paula Dean strawberry cupcakes I prepared! Google the recipe and try it yourself... REAL pureed strawberries mixed in with the white cake mix batter... so good and so easy. Usually I would have prepared from scratch the cream cheese icing but the last time I did this I used 6 boxes of confectioner's sugar and had ants in my kitchen for a month afterwards! This time I took the easiest route and bought whipped strawberry icing and garnished with fresh strawberries... still a hit with half the mess (and time!)
- Campbell's piggy bank, flowers and punch.
- Also at the shower, a great picture of my sister Meredith who lives in Memphis and my beautiful mommy and me.
- Saturday, after my brother's wedding, time for a breather...this is me reading to the babies one of their favorite books "The Very Quiet Cricket." A week ago the babies developed nonstop runny noses that I hoped would cure itself but alas... more ear infections. This time, Lily's is so bad her ear drum in bulging with fluid which means we have had a couple of sleep interrupted nights. All is well though. Benedryl works miracles to stop runny noses and induce deep sleep plus we are also on a 10 day round of antibiotics.
-Friday night Nick and I attended a wedding rehearsal dinner for my brother Will and his beautiful bride Colleen. This is me and my handsome date before dinner.
-A snap of the bride and groom: Will and Colleen. Beautiful aren't they? I chuckle to myself at how gorgeous their babies will be after a war between our light hair light eyes/her dark hair dark eyes genetics. Amazing how all of that works.
So there you have it. The thing about being anyone with a lot going on is that somehow you muster the energy and attitude to pull it all off. It was jam packed from Thursday to Sunday but nothing is really on the radar for the upcoming week except hopefully getting back into the swing of early to bed early to rise since this is the last week before I go back to work! I am excited about it... those of you who know me well know that I am a creature of habit and routince. I perform best when there are few suprises and time for meditation and preparation.
I have been working on creating a personal and family mission statement that will spill over into work as well. I'll write more on this later as it will surely deserve it's own post. Today, the babies are napping off their colds and their is laundry to be done. Also, I am trying to finish "American Wife" a fantastic novel that I have taken way too long to get through. Any suggestions for my next read?
There is a show coming on this fall called "The Good Wife" - it reminded me of you talking about "American Wife" and sounded like something you might like.
Also, the Very Quiet Cricket was Asher's first favorite book. Our book barely chirps anymore, but he still quotes lines from that story. Right now Silas is into Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do you See?
And the strawberry cupcakes are a fun idea. I've made strawberry cake before, but not cupcakes. Carrot cake cupcakes are another fun easy idea. With cream cheese frosting and walnuts sprinkled on top - actually last time I made them I flipped them over (because the tops were so big) and frosted them on three sides, with the original top as the bottom ... it turned out better than I'm describing it.
You were Superwoman this weekend and totally pulled it off!
Sunday was wonderful and I was proud to be a part of it all.
...thanks for the chat on your porch too {that could have lasted for days} :)
The shower was perfect! Thanks for including me! ...whoever took that picture of you, your mom and mere is brilliant...Can't wait to hear more about the weekends'events! Great pics!!
I love the new pictures and I love your hair!!
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